Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Ketchup With Us #45-War Horse

Benedict Cumberbatch in Warhorse
Well here I am late with my Ketchup With Us blog again, (sorry Mel & Michele) and can't decide what to write about. Then it came to me, I,m going to tell you about a movie I recently saw on television called Warhorse. I know it was made into a play as well, but I never was able to see it. I have to say this was the most amazing and beautifully filmed movies I have seen in a long time. From the beautiful horse named Joey, who's life is the center of the story to the superb acting of all the great actors. It's set at the time of World War I and is the journey of our boy Joey throughout this terrible war and we meet all his different owners, from soldiers to a little girl. Of course he finally comes full circle and returns to his owner, but how this happens I won't say in case you have never seen this movie. All in all a 10++ rating from me, and if you have never seen this movie and it comes your way, treat yourself, it will be worth it believe me.


  1. My parents love this movie, Barbara. And they actually just saw the play when it was in town, too. I'll have to check it out soon. It seems to take me longer to get to the movies these days.

    Thanks for linking up again. :)

  2. Thanks for the usual great comment Michele. Hope you had a great holiday & came back rested. :)
